Plan A
Shortly after I learned of the good news that they found a match for me (read full story here) I was both excited and nervous at the same time. I couldn’t believe this was really happening. I had a ton of questions mainly about how a cord blood stem cell transplant would differ from an adult stem cell transplant. But, the most pressing question that seemed to persist in the back of my mind was what if it doesn’t work? I met with my transplant doctor and I wish I had never asked the question because the response I was met with was devastating and certainly something I didn’t need to hear. Basically, if this didn’t work, my chances of making it were slim to none. Sometimes we can set ourselves up for failure by worrying and not just trusting God.
You see, God doesn’t need a Plan B. His plan is perfect. God doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t look down on us and say “oops, shouldn’t have done that.” We are the ones who mess up the plan. Even before the world was formed He knew we would need a Savior, Jesus Christ. Before my diagnosis, He had already told me I had the victory. Furthermore, He had caused someone to be born so that my life could be saved through a transplant. There was a clear Plan A, so I decided I would just stick with His plan instead of thinking of all the alternatives. Trust doesn’t allow you to look at other options. You believe so much in that one thing that you rely on it above anything else. That’s the level of trust I’m establishing with God.
In my Dad’s sermon on Sunday he talked about activating your faith. So many times we can believe for others, but not believe for ourselves. Or even worse, have the gift of faith, but never exercise it. It’s easy to believe God will come through when you are on the mountain, but it’s much harder to believe and trust in God when you are in the midst of a trial. But, I’m telling you, if you take on the attitude of Paul and Silas when they were in the inner prison [read Acts 16:16-34] and sing praises to God despite being beaten and locked up, God will perform a miracle. My life is proof of that.
One of the young ladies from my church came over to the house about a month ago to pray for me. After she prayed for me, she told me to sing to God every day and that she saw the leukemia cells going away and all new healthy cells replacing them. Every day I would sing as best as a could to God a little song that just said “Thank you Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, I just want to thank You Lord.” Last Friday, the doctor called and told me that the results of my post-100 day transplant bone marrow biopsy (a test to see if the cancer responded to the treatment). The results showed NO SIGNS OF LEUKEMIA! On top of that, the results of the colonoscopy I had to undergo due to some abnormalities showed no signs of infection or graft versus host disease! In addition, my kidneys and liver which had been damaged by the radiation and chemotherapy were now functioning properly! God is a miracle working God!
I urge you today to activate your faith. Believe and trust in God even when the diagnosis looks devastating. If He did it before He can do it again! He is the same God, yesterday, today and forever.
Ashley Edwards
Your story is truly amazing and brought tears to my eyes because of how great God is and how inspiring you are!! You are truly touching lives Mel and you will continue to be in my prayers!!
DeShong Perry-Smitherman
Sitting here at my desk thanking God for your good news. Thank you for your testimony.
Chris Morgan
Hi Melanie, I’m so happy God is bringing you through this season in your life. His Grace is truly precious. I’m continuing praying for a FULL recovery for you….Stay MEL-STRONG!
Leonard Scott
Awesome testimony. God has performed another miracle.
Kristie Baker
Hallelujah!!!! Mel that is AWESOME NEWS!!!! Look at God!!! I’m praising, crying and shouting with u girly!!!! Wow what an awesome God we serve I am so happy!!! “No signs of leukemia” that is just awesome!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!
lennie the 2nd
I see you coming through this MEL-STRONG-ER than you’ve ever been!
Jessica R
So happy & thankful for the outcome of all your test results! Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks! ♡
Tears tears tears…Thank God for his healing power!!!!!!
Praise God from whom All Blessing flow. What can wash away my tears nothing but the blood of Jesus. Who can make us whole again Nothing but the blood of Jesus. I’m happy for u. Jehovah Rapha is still in the healing business. Mel you are an inspiration to me because I’m dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis and having it is life changing. But I have my faith and trust in God that I am healed. Take care until ur next post. Wendi
Be encouraged Wendi! No matter how dark it is, God is a miracle working God! It’s hard to praise Him in the storm, but that’s when our faith is truly activated. Praying for you! God bless.
Praise God Mel. We continue to lift you up in prayer. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Judia Jackson
Melanie!!!! Awesome news! I never doubted what the outcome would be for you! Share your testimony without ceasing. So many will be saved through hearing… Hope to see you soon!
Doretha Edwards
I am so happy for you! God is all we truly need! He is able to do all things, I’m so glad that you held on to you faith! Continued good health
Dana W
Glory Glory Glory! So happy for you Mel! You’ve been a warrior thru this entire trial! You are a a perfect example of how to walk in true faith!
Amen and again I say Amen!!
Rick Reifenberg
Awesome news about the 100 day test results. God has been good to both of us as last week I just had my 3 year check up after my BMT and I am still leukemia free as well! You remain in my daily prayers and you continue to be a wonderful sign for others of what is possible through God and our faith in HIM.
Kania W
Praise God!! Can’t wait to come celebrate with you!!! It’s been awesome seeing you improve over this past year but this is the best news of all!!! Love ya girlie!!
That is awesome news Rick! You have been such an inspiration to me throughout my journey. I am looking forward to the the things God has in store for the future.
***Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun…clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap****<——- Shoutin' music!!!!!!!!!!
We all knew this official testimony was coming, but MAN OH MAN, it is still soooooooo good to see it!!!!!! #hallelu
You are looking wonderful, my darling, and His Glory IS all over you!!!
Honored to be on this journey with you!
Love you!
P.S. Dennis just got his shout on for you too, LOL!
Nathan Scott
In tears as I read the testimony of how God has delivered my Baby Sister… Tears of Joy! Thank you Jesus!
Yay Mel!!!!!!!! GOD is awesome awesome! Super excited for you! Thanks for sharing your journey! Trusting GOD with all things! #PlanA #Amen!!
Alicia Williamson Barlow
AMAZING!!!! Praising God with you! You are more than a conqueror! You are a living testamony of the strength and power of God! Keep singing and sharing the word of God. You are blessing so many people with your amazing story.
To God be the glory for the things that he has done!! What a amazing testimony!!
Thinking of you and Lynna, praying for you and your family. -Meredith Bills Jensen
Erica Roberson
Isn’t God AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your journey Melanie! It makes me so glad to see your victory. I love you, can’t wait to see you! Your Sands, Erica
Thank you for sharing your journey and encouraging all of us around you. You are truly Mel-strong as I have always known you to be sis. Love you much and hope to see you soon! Blessings always!!!
Rhonda Stephens
Mel I am sooo happy to hear that they’ve found a match and that you’re in good…God….spirits!! You’re on my prayer list, Rhonda
Melanie during all of this God has used you to bless so many…I am overwhelmed with emotion with thinking of you and this trial that you have been so victorious throughout…we love you! Praise God for the victory!
Phyllis Cain
Your courage and your faith are truly inspiring. I thank God for the blessings that he has granted you. I know what it is like to experience God’s healing. Words cannot adequately describe my eternal gratitude to Him. I pray for your continued healing and well-being.
Scarlett Edwards-Duncan
Looking good I thank God for your wonderful praise……I am a Breast Cancer survivor 1 year out…….We are wonderful works of Gods healing hands…..Keep fighting like a Girl!!!!! I have been knowing u since you were a little gurl….
Tim Griffith
It’s so great to hear good news! God never fails! i’ve been sending prayers up, from Japan ever since I found out. The power of God has no boundaries. Continued love and prayers for you and the family.
I love it! God doesn’t need a plan B! God Bless you, Mel…